Understanding Data loss
The IT departments of most of the organizations invest significant resources to develop, implement and maintain a process for backing up important data on their machines. Well managed environments also regularly test backups to ensure that restore operations can be performed quickly and accurately.
It is difficult to categorize the Data loss in case of computers. There may be lots of reasons that may cause the data loss. The loss of data in computers can be seen as, “The data lost last time was a bad case, but worst is yet to come.”
The data loss may be due to lots of reasons some of important reasons may be as follows:
System Crash
If the computer is unable to run the boot process and operating system fails to read the stored data and instructions from the disk, due to any software or hardware problem, the disk is said to have crash. It is difficult to recover the data completely from the disk crashed by hardware problem, only by the programming however. In case of a disk crash, following messages are displayed:
“0 hard disks found”
“Drive failure”
“Hard disk failure”
“Sector not found...”
“Data error reading drive X:”
“No boot device available”
“Error loading operating system”
“OS missing or Operating system missing”
“Non-System or Disk error,
Replace disk and press any key when ready”
“Invalid partition table”
“Track 0 bad...”
The above messages indicate a serious disk problem. The cause that leads these error messages may be logical or a physical problem. The logical problems can be because either the boot sector/partition table, FAT area or the directory area has gone bad. A detailed introduction of boot sector, partition table FAT area, root directories and data area has been given in the next chapters of this book.
A head crash is caused when the read/write heads of a hard disk come into physical contact with the disk surface that stores the information. Head crashes vary in severity but at their worst, the data on the hard disk can be rendered unrecoverable.
Every time if there is data loss in computer it has any reason of this disaster that leads the crash or even minor loss. There may be a number of possibilities but some most important factors are as follows: