Comments on coding of the program:
Thus the data is stored in the specified file. Just copy the data to your program and do some required formatting. You should never forget the following tips through out the procedure:
- Make it sure that the operation of the program was successful and the data which has been stored in the destination file is the appropriate.
- You should check the operation through out for occurrence of expected errors.
- You must initialize the Floppy disk in, with the program before reading its boot sector. You may use function 00H of INT 13H for this purpose.
Method – 2
What to do if Method – 1 doesn’t work?
If the Method – 1 does not work and the unreadable disk is not allowing the program to re-write the boot information on its first sector you should try this second method. The reason behind the failure of First Method may be the physical corruption of first sector of the floppy disk.
In this second method we are going to copy all the data of the surface of the unreadable Floppy to a single file temporarily and then we shall paste this image directly on the surface of the another good disk.
The procedure involves the following two important steps:
- Sector-by-Sector Copy all the data of the surface of floppy’s media to a single file temporarily.
- Paste the data previously stored in file, to a new fresh floppy as it is, on the same sectors
Copy all the data of media surface to a single file
To store all the data of the surface of media of floppy, the program must do the following three tasks:
- Initialize the disk properly with the help of function 00H of INT 13H.
- Read the Sector-by-Sector information of the surface and store to a single file.
- Check for the successful read operation (Most important)
It is very common to have any initialization problem with a floppy disk which leads many unsuccessful read messages. That is why the disk must be initialized before the read write operation with the help of programming.
It is most important and necessary step in case of any type of operations applied on floppy to check whether the operation was successful or not.
If Even after initialization the recently inserted floppy disk or changed floppy disk causes any reading error you are advised to run the program again, most probably it may work this time.
The following program is to perform these specified tasks. Let us see how it proceeds: