To convert any octal number to Decimal we multiply the value in each position by its octal weight and add each value. The typical method to convert from decimal to octal is repeated division by 8. For this method we divide the decimal number by 8

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Octal to Decimal Conversion

To convert any octal number to Decimal we multiply the value in each position by its octal weight and add each value.

Let us take an example to better understand this. Let we have any octal number 31321Q to be converted into its corresponding decimal number. Then we will follow the following steps:

3*84 + 1*83 + 3*82 + 2*81 + 1*80

= 3*4096 + 1*512 + 3*64 + 2*8 + 1*1

= 12288 + 512 + 192 + 16 + 1

= 13009

Decimal to Octal Conversion

To convert decimal to octal is slightly more difficult. The typical method to convert from decimal to octal is repeated division by 8. For this method we divide the decimal number by 8 and write the remainder on the side as the least significant digit. This process is continued by dividing the quotient by 8 and writing the remainder until the quotient is 0.

When performing the division, the remainders which will represent the octal equivalent of the decimal number are written beginning at the least significant digit (right) and each new digit is written to the next more significant digit (the left) of the previous digit.

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Data Recovery Book
Chapter 1 An Overview of Data Recovery
Chapter 2 Introduction of Hard Disks
Chapter 3 Logical Approach to Disks and OS
Chapter 4 Number Systems
Chapter 5 Introduction of C Programming
Chapter 6 Introduction to Computer Basics
Chapter 7 Necessary DOS Commands
Chapter 8 Disk-BIOS Functions and Interrupts Handling With C
Chapter 9 Handling Large Hard Disks
Chapter 10 Data Recovery From Corrupted Floppy
Chapter 11 Making Backups
Chapter 12 Reading and Modifying MBR with Programming
Chapter 13 Reading and Modifying DBR with Programming
Chapter 14 Programming for “Raw File” Recovery
Chapter 15 Programming for Data Wipers
Chapter 16 Developing more Utilities for Disks
Appendix Glossary of Data Recovery Terms
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