ACK (Acknowledge):
It is a character, transmitted by a receiving device as an affirmation response to a sander. It is used as a positive response to polling messages.
BEL (Bell):
It is used when there is need to call human attention. It may control alarm or attention devices. You can hear a bell tone from the speakers, attached to your computer when you type this character in the command prompt as given below:
C:\> Echo ^G
Here ^G is printed by the combination of Ctrl + G keys combination.
BS (Backspace):
This character indicates the movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor backward in one position.
HT (Horizontal Tab):
It indicates the movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor forward to the next pre assigned “Tab” or stopping position.
LF (Line Feed):
It indicates the movement of printing mechanism or display cursor to the start of the next line.
VT (Vertical Tab):
It indicates the movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor to the next of a series of pre assigned printing lines.
FF (Form Feed):
It indicates the movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor to the starting position of the next page, from, or screen.
CR (Carriage Return):
It indicates the movement of printing mechanism or display cursor to the starting position of the same line.
SO (Shift Out):
It indicates that the code combinations that follow shall be interpreted as outside of the standard character set until a Shift In character is reached.
SI (Shift In):
It indicates that the code combinations that follow shall be interpreted according to the standard character set.