DISKCOPY EDIT EXIT FC use and syntax how to duplicate floppy disks, ASCII text editor, quit the DOS shell command interpreter, compares two files or sets of files and displays the differences between them

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DISKCOPY is used to duplicate floppy disks. Any data on the destination disk is overwritten.


DISKCOPY drive1: [drive2:] [/1] [/V] [/M]

drive1 Drive containing disk to be copied from and to, if the computer has only one floppy drive.

drive2 Drive containing disk to be copied to if different from drive1.

/1 Copies only the first side of the disk.

/V Verifies that the information is copied correctly.

/M Force multi-pass copy using memory only.

DISKCOPY is designed to duplicate standard floppy disks by making a byte-by-byte copy of the source disk to the destination disk. DISKCOPY do not work with hard drives, CDs, network drives, or Zip, Jazz, etc. type drives. Also it should be kept in mind Source and destination disks must be of the same type, size, and capacity. If they are not, an error message is displayed:


It is a simple full-screen DOSased ASCII text editor.


EDIT [/B] [/H] [/R] [/S] [/nnn] [filename(s)]

/B Forces monochrome mode.

/H Displays the maximum number of lines possible for your hardware.

/R Load file(s) in read-only mode.

/S Forces the use of short filenames.

nnn Load binary file(s), wrapping lines to nnn characters wide.

filename(s) Specifies initial files(s) to load. Wildcards can also be used.

To see the list of shortcut keys you can see the "Help" menu of editor.


In case of DOS of windows environment, EXIT command is used to quit the DOS shell else if talking generally, Quits the MS-DOS command interpreter (COMMAND.COM) and returns to the program that started the command interpreter, if one exists.




Compares two files or sets of files and displays the differences between them.


FC [/Switches] file1 file2


What It does


Performs a binary comparison.
The two files are compared byte by byte and there is no attempt to resynchronize the files after finding a mismatch. This is the default mode for comparing files when file1 has an extension of .EXE, .COM, .SYS, .OBJ, .LIB and .BIN or similar to it.


Compares files as ASCII.
The two files are compared line by line and FC attempts to resynchronize the files after finding a mismatch. This is the default mode for comparing files when file1 does not have an extension of .EXE, .COM, .SYS, .OBJ, .LIB and .BIN or similar to it.


Sets the number of lines for the internal line buffer.
If the files being compared have more than this number of consecutive differing lines, FC cancels the comparison. Default value of n is 100


The number of consecutive lines that must match before the files are declared resynchronized. If the number of matching lines in the files is less than this number, the matching lines are displayed as differences. Default value of nn: 2.


Displays the line numbers on an ASCII comparison.


Abbreviates the output of an ASCII comparison. Only the first and last line for each set of differences is displayed as opposed to the default of every different line.


Disregards the case of letters.


Does not expand tabs to spaces.
By default, tabs are treated as spaces with 1 tab = 8 spaces.


Compresses tabs and multiple spaces to a single space for the comparison.

If file1 includes a wildcard, all applicable files are compared to file2. If file2 also includes a wildcard, it is compared with the corresponding file1. In most cases, binary files are compared to see if they are the same or not. To simply see if two binary files are identical, it is often quickest to compare them as ASCII files using the /LB1 switch to cut the output to a minimum.

Let us see an example of the significant differences in processing times. By trying the following examples you will be able to understand how to use FC in Time saving and batter way:

FC c:\windows\command\xcopy.exe c:\windows\command\attrib.exe
FC c:\windows\command\xcopy.exe c:\windows\command\attrib.exe /L
FC c:\windows\command\xcopy.exe c:\windows\command\attrib.exe /L /LB1

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Data Recovery Book
Chapter 1 An Overview of Data Recovery
Chapter 2 Introduction of Hard Disks
Chapter 3 Logical Approach to Disks and OS
Chapter 4 Number Systems
Chapter 5 Introduction of C Programming
Chapter 6 Introduction to Computer Basics
Chapter 7 Necessary DOS Commands
Chapter 8 Disk-BIOS Functions and Interrupts Handling With C
Chapter 9 Handling Large Hard Disks
Chapter 10 Data Recovery From Corrupted Floppy
Chapter 11 Making Backups
Chapter 12 Reading and Modifying MBR with Programming
Chapter 13 Reading and Modifying DBR with Programming
Chapter 14 Programming for “Raw File” Recovery
Chapter 15 Programming for Data Wipers
Chapter 16 Developing more Utilities for Disks
Appendix Glossary of Data Recovery Terms
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