Глава – 9
Работа с большими жесткими дисками
Работа с большими жесткими дисками
В предыдущей главе мы обсудили функции BIOS-Disk и использование прерываний для доступа к физическим носителям жестких дисков. Там мы использовали функции INT 13H для доступа к жестким дискам.
Интерфейс INT 13H поддерживает множество различных команд, таких как чтение, запись, форматирование и проверка и т. д., которые могут быть переданы BIOS, который затем передает их на жесткий диск. Поскольку он долгое время использовался DOS, INT13H был стандартом в течение многих лет.
INT 13H выделяет 24 бита для спецификации геометрии диска и требует, чтобы вызывающая программа знала конкретные параметры жесткого диска, а также предоставляла процедурам точную адресацию головки, цилиндра и сектора для обеспечения доступа к диску.
BIOS использует геометрию жесткого диска, как она настроена в программе настройки BIOS. 24 бита, выделенные интерфейсом INT 13H для спецификации геометрии диска, разбиты следующим образом:
- 10 бит для номера цилиндра. Таким образом, максимальный предел общего числа цилиндров может составлять до 1024 цилиндров.
- 8 бит для номера головы. Таким образом, максимальный предел общего количества голов — до 256.
- 6 бит для номера сектора. Таким образом, максимальное общее количество секторов может быть до 63 секторов.
Таким образом, максимальное количество секторов, поддерживаемых этим подходом, может достигать 1024 * 256 * 63 = 16515072.
Это означает, что интерфейс INT13H может поддерживать диски, содержащие до примерно 16,5 миллионов секторов, что при 512 байт на сектор приводит к максимуму в 8,46 ГБ. Именно это я и хочу объяснить. Таким образом, используя все эти функции или INT 13H, мы можем получить доступ к дискам только до 8,46 ГБ.
Вот почему в последние годы ограничения этого старого интерфейса привели к отказу от него в пользу нового способа адресации жестких дисков, который описан далее в этой главе.
Прежде всего, позвольте мне рассказать вам историю!
Одиннадцать лет назад, когда я учился в седьмом классе, в своей школе я услышал о жестком диске емкостью 42 МБ, возможно, это был WDA-L42 от IBM. Мне и моим друзьям было действительно трудно представить такую большую емкость жесткого диска, в то время.
Методология INT 13H была разработана около двадцати лет назад от сегодняшнего дня. Теперь вы можете понять, что жесткий диск на 8 ГБ был намного больше, чем можно было себе представить даже в мечтах в то время. Но сегодня, если мы говорим о жестком диске на 8 ГБ любому пользователю персонального компьютера, он может не захотеть его использовать, сказав, что он имеет малую емкость хранения.
Вот почему интерфейс INT 13H наконец-то исчерпал свою полезность в современных системах. INT 13H использовал 24 бита для выделения геометрии диска, и, к сожалению, было невозможно расширить существующий интерфейс BIOS INT 13H, поскольку, если бы это было сделано, многие старые аппаратные и программные продукты перестали бы работать, и вы можете понять, что сегодняшний компьютерный рынок никогда не выдержит таких больших изменений, когда миллионы старых программных и аппаратных продуктов перестанут работать.
Учитывая это условие, INT 13H был заменен на более новый интерфейс, называемый расширениями INT 13H. Однако INT 13H по-прежнему может использоваться DOS и некоторыми другими старыми операционными системами, а также для других целей совместимости.
Новый интерфейс INT 13H использует 64 бита вместо 24 бит для адресации и позволяет максимальный размер жесткого диска 9,4 * 1021 байт, что на самом деле составляет 9,4 триллиона гигабайт или 94000000000000 Гигабайт. Надеюсь, теперь мы успокоимся на некоторое время, пока этот предел не будет преодолен.
Далее описаны некоторые важные функции расширения для прерывания 13H. Вы можете использовать эти функции в программировании таким же образом, как вы использовали функции INT 13H. Это также причина, по которой эти функции называются расширениями INT 13H.
Расширения INT 13H:
Функция 1BH (0x1B или 27) --> Получить заголовок производства (фиксированный диск ESDI)
Вызов с: AH = 1BH
AL = количество секторов для чтения
ДЛ = привод
ES: BX = буфер для производственного заголовка
(список дефектов)
Возвращает: Если функция выполнена успешно
Флаг переноса = очистить
АХ = 00Х
Если функция не удалась
Флаг переноса = установлен
АХ = статус
This function is used to get the manufacturing header of the fixed disk. The first sector read contains the manufacturing header with the number of defect entries and the beginning of the defect map; the remaining sectors contain the remainder of the defect map. Manufacturing header format (Defect Map Record format) can be found in IBM 70MB, 115MB Fixed Disk Drives Technical Reference.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 1BH (0x1B or 27) --> Get Pointer to SCSI Disk Information Block (Future Domain SCSI Controller)
Call with: AH = 1BH
DL = hard drive ID
Returns: If function successful
Carry flag = clear
AH = 01H
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AH = status
ES:BX = SCSI disk information block
This function is used to get the pointer to SCSI Disk Information Block. This also sets a non-resettable flag which prevents some controller messages from being displayed.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 1CH (0x1C or 28) --> Get Pointer to Free Controller Ram (Future Domain SCSI Controller)
Call with: AH = 1CH
DL = hard drive ID for any valid SCSI
hard disk
Returns: If function successful
Carry flag = clear
AH = 01H
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AH = status
ES:BX = first byte of free RAM on controller
This function is used to get the free controller Ram. ES:BX points to the first byte of free RAM on the controller, available for other uses. ES contains the segment at which the controller resides. The two memory-mapped I/O ports of the controller are at offsets 1C00H and 1E00H.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 1C08H (0x1C08) --> Get Command Completion Status (ESDI Fixed Disk)
Call with: AX = 1C08H
DL = drive
ES:BX = buffer for Command Complete
Status Block
Return: If function successful
Carry flag = clear
AH = 01H
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AH = status
This Function is used to get the Command Completion Status. If the function is successful the carry flag is clear and if unsuccessful carry flag is set.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 1C09H (0x1C09) --> Get Device Status (ESDI Fixed Disk)
Call with: AX = 1C09H
DL = drive
ES:BX = buffer for Device Status Block
Return: If function successful
Carry flag = clear
AH = 01H
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AH = status
This Function is used to get the Device Status. If the function is successful the carry flag is clear and if unsuccessful carry flag is set.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 1C0AH (0x1C0A) --> Get Device Configuration (ESDI Fixed Disk)
Call with: AX = 1C0AH
DL = drive
ES:BX = buffer for Drive Configuration Status
Return: If function successful
Carry flag = clear
AH = 01H
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AH = status
This Function is used to get the Device Configuration for the disk. If the function is successful, carry flag is clear and AH register is 01H else Carry flag is set and AH register Returns the Status. The following table shows the Format of ESDI Drive Configuration Status Block:
number of words in block (06H)
number of spare sectors per cylinder
Double Word
total number of usable sectors
total number of cylinders
tracks per cylinder
sectors per track
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 1C0BH (0x1C0B) --> Get Adapter Configuration (ESDI Fixed Disk)
Call with: AX = 1C0BH
ES:BX = buffer for Controller Configuration
Status Block
Return: If function successful
Carry flag = clear
AH = 01H
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AH = status
This Function is used to get the Adapter Configuration. If the function is successful the carry flag is clear and AH is 01H, if unsuccessful carry flag is set and AH returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 1C0CH (0x1C0C) --> Get POS Information (ESDI Fixed Disk)
Call with: AX = 1C0CH
ES:BX = buffer for POS Information Status
Return: If function successful
Carry flag = clear
AH = 01H
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AH = status
This Function is used to get the POS Information. If the function is successful the carry flag is clear and AH is 01H, if unsuccessful carry flag is set and AH returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 1C0EH (0x1C0E) --> Translate RBA to ABA (ESDI Fixed Disk)
Call with: AX = 1C0EH
CH = low 8 bits of cylinder number
CL = sector number (high two bits of
cylinder number in bits 6 and 7)
DH = head number
DL = drive number
ES:BX = ABA (Absolute Block Address)
Return: If function successful
Carry flag = clear
AH = 01H
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AH = status
This Function translates the RBA (Relative Block Address) to ABA (Absolute Block Address). If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 01H, else Carry Flag is set and AH returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 20H (0x20 or 32) --> Get Current Media Format (Compaq ATAPI Removable Media Device)
Call with: AH = 20H
DL = drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = clear
AL = media type
AH = 00H
If Function Unsuccessful,
CF = set
AH = error code
This Function is used to get the current media format. Values for Compaq/ATAPI diskette media type have been given in the following table:
720K (1M unformatted)
1.44M (2M unformatted)
2.88M (4M unformatted)
Toshiba 3mode
NEC 3mode (1024 bytes per sectors)
ATAPI Removable Media Device
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 21H (0x21 or 33) --> Read Multiple Disk Sectors (PS and PS/2, Hard Disks)
Call with: AH = 21H
AL = number of sectors to Read
CH = low byte of 12-bit cylinder number
CL = starting sector (bits 0 to 5) and bits 8
and 9 of cylinder (bits 6 and 7)
DH = head number (bits 0 to 5) and bits 10
and 11 of cylinder (bits 6 and 7)
DL = drive number
ES:BX = Data buffer to be read
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry flag = clear
ES:BX = Filled Data Buffer
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry flag = set
AH = status
The Function is used to read the multiple Disk sectors Using Multiple Block Mode, which generates an interrupt only after the end of transferring a group of sectors rather than after each sector.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 22H (0x22 or 34) --> Write Multiple Disk Sectors (PS and PS/2, Hard Disks)
Call with: AH = 22H
AL = number of sectors to be written
CH = low byte of 12-bit cylinder number
CL = starting sector (bits 0 to 5) and bits 8
and 9 of cylinder (bits 6 and 7)
DH = head number (bits 0 to 5) and bits 10
and 11 of cylinder (bits 6 and 7)
DL = drive number
ES:BX = buffer containing data to be written
Return: If function Successful,
Carry Flag = clear
AH = 01H
If function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = Status
The Function is used to write the multiple Disk sectors using Multiple Block Mode, which generates an interrupt only after the end of transferring a group of sectors rather than after each sector.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 22H (0x22 or 34) --> Enable/Disable Cache (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 22H
AL = new state (00H, if disabled and 01H,
if enabled)
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = status
This Function Enables and/or disables caching of all drives. If the function is successful the AX register is 0000H else returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 23H (0x23 or 35) --> Set Controller Features Register (PS and PS/2, Hard Disk)
Call with: AH = 23H
AL = feature number
DL = drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = Status
This Function is used to set the controller feature register. If the function is successful the carry flag is clear and if unsuccessful carry flag is set and AH register returns the status
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 24H (0x24 or 36) --> Set Multiple – Transfer Mode (Hard Disk, PS and PS/2)
Call with: AH = 24H
AL = number of sectors per block
DL = drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = Status
This Function is used to set Multiple – Transfer Mode. If you want to disable the Multiple – Transfer Mode, set the number of sectors to 0. The maximum value for the block size (Such as 2,4,6,8 and 16 etc.) depends on the fixed disk drive type.
The value is stored in byte 15H of the fixed disk drive parameter table that is created by POST (Power On Self-Test). The byte at address 0040H:0074H is set to status of operation. The Values for PS/1 hard disk feature number have been listed in the following table:
Select 8-bit data transfers instead of 16-bit
Enable write cache
Write Same, user-specified area
Disable retries
Set number of ECC bytes for read long/write long
Set cache segments
Disable look ahead
Disable reverting to power-on defaults
Disable error correction
Select 16-bit data transfers (default)
Disable write cache
Enable error correction (default)
Enable retries (default)
Enable look ahead
Set ECC length for read long/write long to four bytes
Enable reverting to power-on defaults
Write Same, entire disk
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 24H (0x24 or 36) --> Set Sectors (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AX = 24H
BX = New number of sector buffers in
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set the Sectors. If the function is successful AX register is 0000H else AX returns the Status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 25H (0x25 or 37) --> Identify Drive (Hard Disk, PS and PS/2)
Call with: AH = 25H
DL = Drive number
ES:BX = Buffer of 512 bytes for reply packet
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
Buffer filled with drive information block
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = Status
This Function is used to identify the Drive. The byte at address 0040h:0074h is set to the status of the operation. IBM officially classifies this function as optional. The Bit fields for general drive configuration have been given in the following table:
Reserved (0)
Hard sectored
Soft sectored
Not MFM encoded
Head switch time greater than 15msec
Spindle motor control option implemented
Fixed drive
Removable cartridge drive
Disk transfer rate is less than or equal to 5Mbs
Disk transfer rate is greater than 5Mbs but less than or equal to 10Mbs
Disk transfer rate is greater than 10Mbs
Rotational speed tolerance is greater than 0.5%
Data strobe offset option available
Track offset option available
Format speed tolerance gap required
Reserved for non-magnetic drives (0)
The description of Format of Drive information block as given in the ATA (AT Attachment) Specification has been given in the next table:
General drive configuration
Number of cylinders
Number of heads
Number of unformatted bytes per track
Number of unformatted bytes per sector
Number of sectors per track
Vendor unique
Serial number in ASCII, (0000H=not specified)
Buffer type
Buffer size in 512 byte increments (0000H=not specified)
Number of ECC bytes passed on Read/Write Long commands 0000H = not specified
Firmware revision in ASCII, 0000H=not specified
Model number in ASCII, 0000H=not specified
Bits 15-8 Vendor Unique, bits 7-0, (if 00H = Read/Write Multiple commands not Implemented, else xxH = Maximum number of sectors that can be transferred per interrupt on Read and Write Multiple Commands)
0000H = Cannot perform Doubleword I/O,
0001H = Can perform Doubleword I/O.
Bit 15-9 (0=reserved),
bit 8 (1=DMA Supported),
Bit 7-0 Vendor Unique.
Bits 15-8 PIO data transfer cycle timing mode, Bits 7-0 Vendor Unique
Bits 15-8 DMA data transfer cycle timing mode, Bits 7-0 Vendor Unique
Bits 15-1 reserved,
bit 0 (1=the fields reported in translation mode are valid,
0=the fields reported in translation mode may be valid)
Number of current cylinders
Number of current heads
Number of current sectors per track
Current capacity in sectors
Not defined
Vendor unique
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 25H (0x25 or 37) --> Set Flush Interval (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 25H
BX = Interval of Flush
Return: If Function Successful,
AH = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AH = status
This Function is used to set the Flush Interval. If the function is successful the AH is 0000H else AH returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 26H (0x26 or 38) --> QuickCache II v4.20 Uninstall
Call with: AH = 26H
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = status
AX returns status from 0001H to 00FFH for interrupt vector which was hooked by another TSR
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 27H (0x27 or 39) --> Installation Check (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 27H
BX = 0000H
Return: BH = Major Version
BL = Binary Minor Version
If installed,
AX = 0000H
BX = Non-zero
If installed, AX Register is 0000H and BX returns Non-zero value.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 28H (0x28 or 40) --> Set Automatic Dismount (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 28H
AL = New State
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
Call function with AL = 00H to Disable and with AL = 01H to Enable.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 29H (0x29 or 41) --> No Operation (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 29H
Return: AX = 0000H
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 2AH (0x2A or 42) --> Set Buffer Size (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 2AH
AL = Buffer Size
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set the buffer size. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 2BH (0x2B or 43) --> Drive Access Sounds (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 2BH
AL = new state (00h disabled, 01h
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status. Call function with AL = 00H to Disable and AL = 01H to Enable Drive Access Sounds
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 2CH (0x2C or 44) --> Set Buffered Write (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 2CH
AL = new state
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This function enables or disables delayed writes for all drives. Use AH=38H to change a single drive. Use AL = 00H to Disable and 01H to Enable.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 2DH (0x2D or 45) --> Set Buffered Read (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 2Dh
AL = new state (00h disabled, 01h
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This function enables or disables read-ahead for all drives. Use AL = 00H to Disable and AL = 01H to Enable. Use AH=37H to change a single drive.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 2EH (0x2E or 46) --> Set Flush Count (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 2EH
BX = Flush count
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set the Flush Count. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 2FH (0x2F or 47) --> Force Immediate Incremental Flush (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 2FH
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 30H (0x30 or 48) --> Get Information (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 30H
AL = Information Number (See Table in
DS:DX = buffer for info
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to get the different type of information about system, specified by AL. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status. AX = 8000H indicates the invalid Information specifier. Information numbers to be specified to AL, have been listed in the following table:
System information
Drive information
Access frequency (Array of 30 words)
Drive Index (Array of 32 bytes indicating BIOS drive for DOS drive)
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 31H (0x31 or 49) --> Reserve Memory (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 31H
BX = Number of paragraphs of
conventional memory to reserve for
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to reserve the memory for applications. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 32H (0x32 or 50) --> Enable Caching For Specific Drive(QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 32H
AL = drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to enable caching for specific drive. For example, call Function with AL = 00H for A: and so on. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 33H (0x33 or 51) --> Disable Caching For Specific Drive (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 33H
AL = drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to disable caching for specific drive. For example, call Function with AL = 00H for A: and so on. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 34H (0x34 or 52) --> Lock/Unlock Sector(s) (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 34H
AL = Locking/Unlocking function number
(See the Table Given in Comments)
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to call lock/unlock functions of sectors, specified by AL. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status. The different function numbers to be called with AL have been given in the following table:
End sector locking/unlocking
Lock all accessed sectors into cache
Unlock all accessed sectors and discard from cache
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 35H (0x35 or 53) --> Set Lock Pool Size (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 35H
BX = Number of sectors in lock pool
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set lock pool size. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 36H (0x36 or 54) --> Set Trace Buffer Size
Call with: AH = 36H
AL = New size of trace buffer
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set the Trace Buffer Size. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status. This Function is usually called with Function 24H of INT 13H with AL=05H.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 37H (0x37 or 55) --> Set Buffered Reads For Specific Drive (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 37H
AL = New state
DL = Drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set buffered reads for specific Drive. If AL = 00H the State is enable, else disable. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 38H (0x38 or 56) --> Set Buffered Writes for Specific Drive (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 38H
AL = New state
DL = Drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set buffered writes for specific Drive. If AL = 00H the State is enable, else disable. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 39H (0x39 or 57) --> Set Read Buffer Size for Specific Drive (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 39H
AL = New size of read buffer
DL = Drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set the Read Buffer size for Specific Drive such as DL = 00H for A: and so on. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 3AH (0x3A or 58) --> Set Write Buffer Size for Specific Drive (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 3AH
AL = New size of Write buffer
DL = Drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set the write Buffer size for Specific Drive such as DL = 00H for A: and so on. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 3DH (0x3D or 61) --> Enable/Disable Cylinder Flush for Drive (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 3DH
AL = New state
DL = drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to Enable/Disable Cylinder flush for Specific Drive such as DL = 00H for A: and so on. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status. If AL register is set to 01H, state is enable, else disable.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 3EH (0x3E or 62) --> Set Single-Sector Bonus (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 3EH
AL = New value for bonus
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set the Single-Sector Bonus. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 3FH (0x3F or 63) --> Set Bonus Thrashold (QuickCache II v4.20)
Call with: AH = 3FH
AL = New value for bonus threshold
Return: If Function Successful,
AX = 0000H
If Function Unsuccessful,
AX = Status
This Function is used to set the Bonus Threshold. If the function is successful the AX is 0000H, if unsuccessful AX returns the status
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 41H (0x41 or 65) --> Installation Check (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions)
Call with: AH = 41H
BX = 55AAH
DL = Drive number (80H-FFH)
Return: If Extensions Supported and Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
BX = AA55H
AH = Major version of extensions (See the
table in Comments)
AL = Internal use
CX = API subset support bitmap (See the
Table in Comments)
DH = Extension version (v2.0 and later)
If Extension not Supported or Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = set
AH = 01H (Function Invalid)
This function checks whether the IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions are installed and supported. Values for major versions of extensions have been given in the following table:
Major Version of Extension
2.0 / EDD-1.0
2.1 / EDD-1.1
The Bit fields for IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions API support bitmap have been given in the following table:
Extended disk access functions (AH=42H, 43H, 44H, 47h and 48H) supported.
Removable drive controller functions (AH=45H, 46H, 48H, 49H, and INT15/AH =52H) supported.
Enhanced disk drive (EDD) functions (AH=48H and AH=4EH) supported. Extended drive parameter table is valid.
Reserved (0)
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 42H (0x42 or 66) --> Extended Read (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions)
Call with: AH = 42H
DL = Drive number
DS:SI = Disk address packet (See the table in
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = error code
This function is the extension for disk read function. If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 00H, else Carry flag is set and AH returns the error code. The block count field of disk address packet is set to number of blocks successfully transferred. The Format of disk address packet has been given below:
Size of Packet (10H)
Reserved (0)
Number of blocks to transfer
Transfer buffer
Starting absolute block number (LBA)
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 43H (0x43 or 67) --> Extended Write (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions)
Call with: AH = 43H
AL = write flags (See the table in
DL = drive number.
DS:SI = disk address packet
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = clear
AH = 00H
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = set
AH = error code
This function is the extension for disk write function. If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 00H, else Carry flag is set and AH returns the error code. The block count field of disk address packet is set to number of blocks successfully. The information of write flags for different versions has been given in the following table:
Version 1.0 and 2.0
Version 2.1 and later
Bit 0
Verify Write
00H and 01H
Write without Verify
Bits 1 to 7
Reserved (0)
Write with verify
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 44H (0x44 or 68) --> Verify Sectors (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions)
Call with: AH = 44H
DL = drive number
DS:SI = disk address packet
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = error code
This function is the extension for Verify Sectors function. If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 00H, else Carry flag is set and AH returns the error code. The block count field of disk address packet is set to number of blocks successfully
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 45H (0x45 or 69) --> Lock/Unlock Drive (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions)
Call with: AH = 45H
AL = Operation Number (See the Table in
DL = Drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
AL = Lock State (00H = Unlocked)
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = Error code
This function is used to Lock/Unlock the drive. This function is required to be supported for any removable drives numbered 80H or higher. Up to 255 locks may be placed on a drive, and the media will not be physically unlocked until all locks have been removed.
If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 00H, else Carry flag is set and AH returns the error code.
Operation numbers for different Lock/Unlock operation of the drive have been given in the following table:
Lock media in drive
Unlock media
Check lock status
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 46H (0x46 or 70) --> Eject Media (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions)
Call with: AH = 46H
AL = 00H (reserved)
DL = Drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = error code
This function is to eject media. If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 00H, else Carry flag is set and AH returns the error code.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 47H (0x47 or 71) --> Extended Seek (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions)
Call with: AH = 47H
DL = Drive number
DS:SI = Disk address packet
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = error code
This function is the extension for seek function. If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 00H, else Carry flag is set and AH returns the error code. The block count field of disk address packet is set to number of blocks successfully.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 48H (0x48 or 72) --> Get Drive Parameters (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions)
Call with: AH = 48H
DL = Drive (80H-FFH)
DS:SI = Buffer for drive parameters
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
DS:SI = Buffer filled
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = Error code
This function is used to get the drive parameters. If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 00H with DS:SI of Filled buffer, else Carry flag is set and AH returns the error code.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 49H (0x49 or 73) --> Extended Media Change (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions)
Call with: AH = 49H
DL = Drive number (any drive number, see
Return: If media has not been changed,
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
If media may have been changed,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = 06H (Error code for media change)
This function is the extension for media change function. If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 00H, else Carry flag is set and AH returns the error code.
The main difference in this function and function AH = 16H of INT 13H is that we may specify any drive number, where Function 16H allows only drive number 00H to 7FH of floppy disks.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 4AH (0x4A or 74) --> Initiate disk Emulation (Bootable CD-ROM)
Call with: AH = 4AH
AL = 00H
DS:SI = Specification packet (see the Table in comments)
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
If Function unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AX = Status Code
This Function is used to initiate the disk emulation. If the function is successful carry flag is clear, else carry flag is set and AX register returns status code and drive will not be in emulation mode.
The Format of Bootable CD-ROM Specification Packet has been given in the following table:
Size of packet in bytes (13H)
Boot media type
Drive Number
Drive Number
Drive Description
Floppy image
Bootable hard disk
81H to FFH
Non bootable or no Emulation
CD-ROM controller number
Logical Block Address of disk image to Emu
Device Specification
(IDE) Bit 0
Drive is slave instead of master
(SCSI) Bits 0 to 7
LUN (Logical Unit Number) and PUN (Physical Unit Number)
Bits 8 to 15
Bus Number
Segment of 3Kb buffer for caching CD-ROM reads
Load segment for initial boot image (if 0000H, load at segment 07C0H)
Number of 512-byte virtual sectors to load (only valid for Function 4CH of INT 13H)
Low byte of cylinder count (for Function 08H of INT 13H)
Sector count, high bits of cylinder count (for Function 08H of INT 13H)
Head count (for Function 08H of INT 13H)
The Bit fields for Bootable CD-ROM boot media type have been given in the following table:
Media type
No emulation.
1.2M diskette.
1.44M diskette.
2.88M diskette.
Hard disk (drive C:)
Reserved (0)
Image contains ATAPI driver
Image contains SCSI driver(s)
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 4B00H (0x4B00) --> Terminate Disk Emulation (Bootable CD-ROM)
Call with: AX = 4B00H
DL = Drive number (or 7FH to terminate
all emulations)
DS:SI = Empty specification packet
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AX = Status code
DS:SI = Specification packet filled
This Function is used to terminate the disk emulation. If you want to terminate all emulations, call the function with DL = 7FH. If the Function is successful, the carry flag is clear, else carry flag is set and AX register returns status code and the drive remains in emulation mode.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 4B01H (0x4B01) --> Get Status (Bootable CD-ROM)
Call with: AX = 4B01H
DL = Drive number
DS:SI = Empty specification packet
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AX = Status code
DS:SI = Specification packet filled
The Function is used to get the status. If the Function is successful, the carry flag is clear, else carry flag is set and AX register returns status code
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 4CH (0x4C or 76) --> Initiate Disk Emulation and Boot (Bootable CD-ROM)
Call with: AH = 4CH
AL = 00H
DS:SI = Specification packet
Return: If Function Successful,
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AX = Status code
This Function is used to Initiate the disk Emulation and boot the system. If the function is successful, returns nothing else the carry flag is set and AX register returns the status code.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 4D00H (0x4D00) --> Return Boot Catalog (Bootable CD-ROM)
Call with: AX = 4D00H
DS:SI = Command packet (See the Table in
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AX = Status code
This function is used to return the boot catalog. If the Function is successful, the carry flag is clear, else carry flag is set and AX register returns status code. The Format of Bootable CD-ROM of "Get Boot Catalog" command packet has been given in the following table:
Size of packet in bytes (08H)
Number of sectors of boot catalog to read
Buffer for boot catalog
First sector in boot catalog to transfer
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 4EH (0x4E or 78) --> Set Hardware Configuration (IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions v2.1)
Call with: AH = 4EH
AL = Function Number ( See the Table in comments)
DL = Drive number
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = error code
AL = Status
This Function is used to set the hardware configuration. The function numbers for AL to call this Function have been given in the following table:
Enable prefetch
Disable prefetch
Set maximum PIO transfer mode
Set PIO mode 0
Set default PIO transfer mode
Enable INT 13H DMA maximum mode
Disable INT 13H DMA
DMA and PIO modes are mutually exclusive therefore selecting DMA disables PIO for either the specified device or all devices on that controller and selecting PIO disables DMA
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 5001H (0x5001) --> Send Packet Command (Enhanced Disk Drive Spec v3.0)
Call with: AX = 5001H
DL = Drive number
ES:BX = Command packet (See the Table in
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
AH = error code
This function is used to send the packet commands. If the function is successful carry flag is clear and AH register is 00H, else Carry flag is set and AH returns the error code. The Format of Enhanced Disk Drive Spec v3.0 command packet has been given in the following table:
Signature B055H
Length of packet in bytes
Reserved (0)
Formatted packet data
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 5501H (0x5501) --> Inquiry (Seagate ST01/ST02)
Call with: AX = 5501H
DH = Number of bytes to transfer
DL = Drive Number
ES:BX = Buffer for results
ES:BX buffer, filled with the Inquiry results.
This function is used to send inquiry. The ST01/ST02 BIOS does not return any success or failure indication for the function therefore all the commands must be assumed to have been successful.
The ST01/ST02 BIOS always maps its drives after the previous BIOS drives without changing the BIOS drive count at 0040H:0075H. This command is identical to the SCSI Inquiry command
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 5502H (0x5502) --> Reserved (Seagate ST01/ST02)
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 5503H (0x5503) --> Set DTQ (Device Type Qualifier) (Seagate ST01/ST02)
Call with: AX = 5503H
DH = DTQ byte (See the table in
DL = Drive Number
Return: Nothing
This function is used to set the DTQ (Device Type Qualifier). The Function returns nothing. The Bit fields for DTQ byte have been shown in the following table:
Seagate installation software present
Selected drive has been installed
Host Adapter checks parity on the selected drive
Selected drive is ST225N
Selected drive is paired ST225N/NP
SCSI drive attached
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 5504H (0x5504) --> Return Identification (Seagate ST01/ST02)
Call with: AX = 5504H
DL = Drive Number
AX = 4321H
BL = selected drive number (00H, 01H)
BH = number of drives attached to Host
Function is used to return the identification of the drive(s).
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 5505H (0x5505) --> Park Heads (Seagate ST01/ST02)
Call with: AX = 5505H
DL = Drive Number
DH = Sub function (see the comments)
The function is used to park the heads of the disk. It was used in the old hard disk disks however the modern hard disks do not need any external program to park their heads.
The Sub function 00H parks the heads (SCSI Stop command) and Sub function 01H un-park the heads (SCSI Start command) of the disk.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 5506H (0x5506) --> SCSI Bus Parity (Seagate ST01/ST02)
Call with: AX = 5506H
DL = Drive Number
DH = Sub function Number (See
AL = Status (00H parity checking
disabled, 01H parity checking enabled)
Call the function with the following sub function number for DH:
Disable parity check
Enable parity check
Return current parity setting
INT 13H (0x13)
Function 5507H (0x5507) To Function 550DH (0x550D) --> Reserved Functions (Seagate ST01/ST02)
Call with: AX = 5507H to AX = 550DH
These Functions have been officially listed as "Reserved"
INT 13H (0x13)
Function A0H (0xA0 or 160) --> Get Resident Code Segment (Super PC-Kwik v3.20 and Later)
Call with: AH = A0H
SI = 4358H
AX = Segment of Resident Code
This function is used to get the resident code segment. AX returns the segment of resident code.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function A1H (0xA1 or 161) --> Flush Cache (Super PC-Kwik v3.20 and Later)
Call with: AH = A1H
SI = 4358H
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H (v5.10)
The Function is used to flush the cache.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function A3H (0xA3 or 163) --> Disable Cache (Super PC- Kwik v3.20 and Later)
Call with: AH = A3H
SI = 4358H
Carry Flag = Clear
Function is used to disable the cache.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function A4H (0xA4 or 164) --> Enable Cache (Super PC-Kwik v3.20 and Later)
Call with: AH = A4H
SI = 4358H
Carry Flag = Clear
This function is used to enable cache.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function EEH (0xEE or 238) --> Set 1024-Cylinder Flag (SWBIOS)
Call with: AH = EEH
DL = Drive Number
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
The Function is used to Set 1024 – Cylinder flag. The flag is cleared by all INT 13H calls except AH=EEH and AH=EFH. Disk Manager also supports these calls. This function is equivalent to calling Function AH=EFH with CX=0400H for the software which supports that call.
This function is also supported by HyperDisk v4.01 and later, and PC-Cache v5.5 and later, in order to allow caching of drives using SWBIOS to access more than 1024 cylinders.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function EFH (0xEF or 239) --> Set Cylinder Offset (Ontrack Drive Rocket)
Call with: AH = EFH
CX = Cylinder offset for next INT 13H call
DL = Drive Number
Carry Flag = Clear
AH = 00H
The Function is used to set Cylinder offset. For software which supports this call, the Function AH=EEH is equivalent to calling this function with CX=0400H. The cylinder offset is reset to 0 by all INT 13H called except AH=EEH and AH=EFH.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function F9H (0xF9 or 249) --> Installation Check (SWBIOS)
Call with: AH = F9H
DL = Drive Number
Return: If Function Successful,
Carry Flag = Clear
DX = Configuration Word (see comments)
If Function Unsuccessful,
Carry Flag = Set
This Function is used for installation Check. If the Function is successful carry flag is clear and DX returns the configuration word, else carry flag is set.
Bit 15 is set if other SWBIOS extensions are available. Disk Manager also supports these calls.
INT 13H (0x13)
Function FEH (0xFE or 254) --> Get Extended Cylinder Count (SWBIOS)
Call with: AH = FEH
DL = Drive Number
Carry Flag = Clear
DX = Number of Cylinders beyond 1024
on drive
This function is used to get the extended Cylinder count. The function AH = 08H of INT 13H will return a cylinder count truncated to 1024. BIOS without this extension would return count modul 1024. Disk Manager also supports these calls
INT 13H (0x13)
Function FFH (0xFF or 255) --> Officially Private Function (IBM SurePath BIOS)
INT 13H (0x13)
Function FFFFH (0xFFFF) --> Set Turbo Mode (UNIQUE UX Turbo Utility)
Call with: AX = FFFFH
BL = Sub Function Number (See the table
in Comments)
Return: If installed,
AX = 1234H
This function is used to set the Turbo Mode. The Sub function numbers to call the function with BL have been given in the following table:
Installation check
Turn on Turbo mode
Turn off Turbo mode
Set Turbo mode according to hardware switch
Set disk access to Turbo mode
Set disk access to Normal mode
How to use INT 13H Extensions in C Programming
We can call the Extension Functions of INT 13H with the same C functions (int86(), int86x() etc.) , which we were using in the earlier chapters. Let us learn it by an example.
The following example gives the focus to the three functions (Check Extensions present, extended read and extended write). However we are not going to use extended write function in this chapter.
The program first checks if extensions are supported or not if the extensions are present for INT 13H, It reads the absolute sector 0 (thus MBR) of the disk. The coding of the program proceeds in the following manner:
/* Program to access sectors beyond 8.46 GB using INT 13 BIOS extensions */
/* Assigns the identifier to the data type */
typedef unsigned char Byte;
typedef unsigned int Word;
typedef unsigned long DWord;
/* disk_packet structure is loaded in DS:SI and command executed */
struct disk_packet
Byte size_pack; // Size of packet must be 16 or 16+
Byte reserved1; // Reserved
Byte no_of_blocks;// Number of blocks for transfer
Byte reserved2; // Reserved
/* Address in Segment:Offset format */
Word offset; //offset address
Word segment; //segment address
/* To Support the Disk Even of Capacity of 1152921504.607 GB */
DWord lba1;
DWord lba2;
/* Function to check if the Extensions are supported */
void check_ext_present()
union REGS inregs, outregs; /* Input Registers and
Output */
inregs.h.ah=0x41; /* Function to Check
Extension Present */
inregs.h.dl=0x80; /* Drive No for first Hard Disk */
int86(0x13,&inregs,&outregs); /*Call interrupt */
/* Extension Not Supported */
printf("\nBios extension not supported");
if(outregs.x.cx & 0x1)
/* Extension Present */
printf("\nExtended I/O supported");
/* Function to read the Sector */
void read_sectors(void *buffer)
union REGS inregs, outregs; /* Input and Output
Registers */
struct SREGS segregs; // Segment Registers
disk_pack.size_pack=16; // Set size to 16
disk_pack.no_of_blocks=1; // One block
disk_pack.reserved1=0; // Reserved Word
disk_pack.reserved2=0; // Reserved Word
disk_pack.segment=FP_SEG(buffer);// Segment of buffer
disk_pack.offset=FP_OFF(buffer); // Offset of buffer
/* request for MBR of hard disk 1 */
/* Read Absolute sector 0 */
disk_pack.lba1=0; /* LBA address, Contains first
32 bits */
/* We normally require( drives < 2.1 T.B) to set
only this */
disk_pack.lba2=0; // Last 32 bit address
inregs.h.ah=0x42; // Function to read
inregs.h.dl=0x80; // Drive Number for First Hard Disk inregs.x.si = FP_OFF(&disk_pack); /*Make DS:SI point
to disk_pack */
segregs.ds = FP_SEG(&disk_pack);
/* Call Interrupt */
printf("\n\nError %d\n",outregs.h.ah);
printf("\n\nI hope Everything is all Right");
//// Write Sector Function \\\\
void write_sector()
/* It will be written in the same way as read_sectors function, except Function Number, which will be 0x43 in this function. We’ll discuss extended write function in next chapters.
Before Using this Function please check and verify what are you going to do. You should have the proper knowledge of what you are going to do. Use of this function in lack of knowledge or carelessly may destroy your data. */
/// Main Function \\\\
void main()
int i=0;
/* buffer to hold MBR */
Byte mbr[512];
/* check for BIOS extension present */
/* read sector */
printf("\n\n Data of MBR \n");
/* display the MBR buffer */
Data of MBR
Comments on Coding of the program
typedef Assigns the identifier to the data type such that typedef unsigned char Byte; assigns identifier Byte for the data type char. Similarly identifier Word is assigned to int and DWord is assigned to long.
The disk_packet structure is loaded in DS:SI and the command (such as extended read, extended write or verify etc.) is executed. See the functions of IBM/MS INT 13H Extensions (Function 41H to Function 49H) given before.
The check_ext_present() function checks if the extensions are available/supported or not. The function is called with BX=55AAH (inregs.x.bx=0x55AA;) and if extensions are supported the BX register is set to AA55H. (See Function 41H given before)
The Function read_sectors is used to read the absolute sector of the disk, specified by disk_pack.lba1. In this program we have given disk_pack.lba1=0, thus we are going to read the absolute sector 0 (See the Note Below) thus going to read the MBR of the disk.
The write_sector function is also same as the read_sectors function and will be written in the same way but with the different Function options. We shall use it in the next chapters.
We read the disk sectors in the following two ways:
- Relative Sector Read (or Write)
- Absolute Sector Read (or Write)
In Relative Sector Read we read the disk sectors in accordance with CHS (Cylinder, Head and Sector) geometry of the disk. In relative sector read the MBR of the disk (First Sector of the disk) is on Cylinder 0, head 0 and Sector 1.
In the Absolute reading of the disk sectors, we need not to specify the Cylinder or Head numbers in our program. The absolute sectors are counted from absolute sector 0.
Thus if we are going to read the MBR of the disk (First sector of the disk), we are going to read absolute sector 0. It is the work of BIOS to convert the absolute sector number to its corresponding Cylinder, Head and Sector number.
As in absolute sector reading (or writing), we have to calculate only the absolute sectors within the loop in the operations such as entire disk reading or writing, whereas in case of relative sector reading (or writing), we need to run three loops at a time for calculating CHS therefore absolute sector reading/writing is much faster than relative sector reading/writing.
For example, if we have any hard disk with the 16 heads (sides), 12 Cylinders and with 63 sectors, the table given next, shows the procedure and difference of both the reading methods and thus shows how absolute sector approach may make our time taking programs (such as entire disk reading/ writing or entire disk wiping programs etc.) to run much faster:
Relative Sectors Reading
Absolute Sector reading
Cylinder =0, Head =0, Sector = 1
Absolute Sector = 0
Cylinder =0, Head =0, Sector = 2
Absolute Sector = 1
Cylinder =0, Head =0, Sector = 3
Absolute Sector = 2
Cylinder =0, Head =0, Sector = 62
Absolute Sector = 61
Cylinder =0, Head =0, Sector = 63
Absolute Sector = 62
Cylinder =0, Head =1, Sector = 1
Absolute Sector = 63
Cylinder =0, Head =1, Sector = 2
Absolute Sector = 64
Cylinder =0, Head =1, Sector = 3
Absolute Sector = 65
Cylinder =0, Head =1, Sector = 4
Absolute Sector = 66
Cylinder =0, Head =1, Sector = 63
Absolute Sector = 125
Cylinder =0, Head =2, Sector = 1
Absolute Sector = 126
Cylinder =0, Head =2, Sector = 2
Absolute Sector = 127
Cylinder =0, Head =2, Sector = 3
Absolute Sector = 128
Cylinder =0, Head =15, Sector = 63
Absolute Sector = 1007
Cylinder =1, Head =0, Sector = 1
Absolute Sector = 1008
Cylinder =1, Head =0, Sector = 2
Absolute Sector = 1009
Cylinder =1, Head =0, Sector = 3
Absolute Sector = 1010
Cylinder =1, Head =0, Sector = 63
Absolute Sector = 1070
Cylinder =1, Head =1, Sector = 1
Absolute Sector = 1071
Cylinder =1, Head =1, Sector = 2
Absolute Sector = 1072
Cylinder =1, Head =1, Sector = 3
Абсолютный сектор = 1073
Цилиндр =1, Головка =15, Сектор = 63
Абсолютный сектор = 2015
Цилиндр =2, Головка =0, Сектор =1
Абсолютный сектор = 2016
Цилиндр =2, Головка =0, Сектор =2
Абсолютный сектор = 2017
Цилиндр =2, Головка =0, Сектор =3
Абсолютный сектор = 2018
Цилиндр =11, Головка =15, Сектор = 60
Абсолютный сектор = 12092
Цилиндр =11, Головка =15, Сектор = 61
Абсолютный сектор = 12093
Цилиндр =11, Головка =15, Сектор = 62
Абсолютный сектор = 12094
Цилиндр =11, Головка =15, Сектор = 63
Абсолютный сектор = 12095
Ниже приведена информация о таблице разделов MBR, которая отображается любым инструментом анализа MBR на диске:
Отображается любым инструментом анализа MBR на диске
В приведенной выше информации относительные номера секторов для начала обоих разделов составляют 63 и 11277630 соответственно, они свободны от разделов и подсчитываются в соответствии с количеством секторов, доступных на диске.