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Software Toolbar

Tool bar button and their description for Windows data recovery software, Pendrive data recovery software and Memory card data recovery software

Windows Data Recovery Software Toolbar :

windows toolbar

Pendrive Data Recovery Software Toolbar and Memory Card Data Recovery Software Toolbar :

Pendrive toolbar
save data Save Saves recovered files and folders to user specified location
save log Save Log It is to save scanned information of files and folders that have been detected in the recovery process
load log Load log To load the saved scanned information back for complete data recovery
help manual Help Provides you with complete support about the software and its working

Tool bar button and their description for iPod Data Recovery Software

windows toolbar
save data Save Saves recovered files and folders to user specified location
save log Save Log It is to save scanned information of files and folders that have been detected in the recovery process
load log Load log To load the saved scanned information back for complete data recovery
help Help Provides you with complete support about the software and its working
quit Quit On clicking exist from the software window