Home Data Theft Protection Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software

Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software


USB Monitoring is a professional and reliable tool that is developed to prevent data theft or data stealing occurred through misuse of USB port over Windows network. Device monitoring software keeps a constant watch over USB mass storage device’s activities on client’s machine in real time and during offline status (when network connection is broken or unplugged). The Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software is capable to record the detailed information of USB drive’s insertion and removal activities performed on client’s PCs. Monitoring Log is maintained in the software containing recorded detailed USB device information that includes:

  • USB drive Status i.e. Detected or Removed or both.
  • Client PC’s Name and IP Address along with Date and Time.
  • USB Drive Name, hardware ID and device capacity.
  • Date and Time when information is received to the server.
  • Supplementary Information: Contains information of Multiple Logical Drives or continued information.

Price: $69

Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software Screenshots

Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software

➤ Enable USB /Run program from Start Check this option, if you want to allow access of USB (Read Only or with full permission as per choice). You can start your software by typing a word in the run command.

Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software

➤ USB Access setting – This option allows you to enable and disable USB access port.

➤ Start-up settings – Select check box, if you want to run the software secretly at windows startup in hidden mode.

➤ Privacy settings – Select check box, if you need to hide the program from desktop, start -> all program, “Add and remove program” and hide program folder.

Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software
Select Email Settings option to send log files and captured image by camera via Email. You can send log files in standard and detailed format.
Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software
You can Upload log files and captured image by camera using FTP settings.
Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software
Select camera to capture image from dropdown menu which is connected with your computer.
Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software
Browse the file location, select settings file which you want to import and then click on “Open” button.
Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software
You can view log records in HTML and TEXT file format.
Windows Network USB Drive Access Monitoring Software
Above screenshot shows log file information in HTML file format.

LAN based monitoring utility is an exclusive network monitoring tool that is developed by professionals in the area of USB communications and helps you to save your precious data from being lost and is widely used as Anti-data theft monitoring software. USB network software provides full rights to administrator for managing the access and permission settings of USB drives for sever and client’s terminals. Activity Log is prepared that records all the changes made by the administrator in access and permission settings along with Computer name, date and time details.

Windows Network USB Drive access Monitoring Software supports:

USB Mass Storage Pen Drives Other USB mass storage devices
Jump Drive
Thumb Drive
Key chain Drive
Memory Stick
Jet Flash
USB Cameras (mass storage)
USB MP3 players
USB Audio players
USB video players
Pocket PCs (mass storage)

Key Features of Setup Maker Software:

  • Constantly monitor the USB drive’s detection and removal activities in real time and when in offline status.
  • Notifies network administrator about any insertion and removal activity of USB mass storage device over Windows network via alarms or sound beeps.
  • Maintain monitoring log and activity log files in html and text format respectively and save at user specified location.
  • The administrator can easily increase or decrease the activity log capacity.
  • Administrator has the full rights to make the USB drive accessible or inaccessible and readable or both readable/writable for the clients.
  • Display all the information of Server and client like Domain-IP, Domain Name, Server machine name, Server machine IP, Client machine name .
  • The software is easy-to-use and cost-effective and can be easily operable by any technical or non-technical users.