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Standard search

This searching criteria is used in case of files folders deletion or data loss due to any viral infection or delete, missing partition


It is the process in which software searches for the information about data recovery i.e. FAT entries MBR

Search more partition

This help of find out all the partitions that was created since the hard disk initial installation all show all the partitions created up to date.

Stop searching

It is used to abort the scanning process temporarily.


Computer virus is a self-replicating computer program that spreads by inserting copies of itself into other executable code or documents


Virtual File Allocation Table (VFAT) is the part of the Windows operating system that covers long file names, which otherwise could not be handled by the original file allocation table (FAT) programming.


Universal Serial Bus (USB) An external peripheral interface standard for communication between a computer and external peripherals over a cable using bi-serial transmission.

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